Personal Web Site of Zachary J. Fink, Ph.D.

Previous Employment

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With my experience, described below, I was seeking a position in Chemical/Environmental Engineering, with Computers, or in Education, until retiring at age 65 in 2009.



Seven years+ full-time in R & D (including Project and Process Engineering) and one year in Computer Science Education

High proficiency in verbal/written communication, leadership, logic (for programming), and budgeting

Expertise in Combustion/Energy - Gasification, Fires and Explosions

Contributing to staff at all levels - Management, Engineers, Designers, and Technicians

Experience in working with people with severe disabilities, including children and adults

Dedicated and self-motivated

Goal oriented, as in a team environment or as an individual with separate assignments. Able to meet deadlines.

Keeping up with the literature

Philosophical, scientific, intellectual, practical - cost conscious

Some work in Electro-Optics, Spectroscopy; Field Research in coal mines; Energy - mostly Fossil Fuel, with some Nuclear

Water Purification - current techniques and Research for future progress

Having insight in obtaining a working model for systems involving the solution of simultaneous differential equations

Some skills in Auto Maintenance, Carpentry, Electrical Work, Linoleum laying and Tile setting, and Plumbing

Typing skills


Elms College, Chicopee, MA

---Adjunct Professor

Teaching Physical Science to Education majors

Presenting laboratory segment of Physics course (for Science and Premed majors)

Assisting students in validating for themselves the fundamental Laws, Principles, and Theories in Physics through experimentation

Springfield College, Springfield, MA

---Adjunct Professor

Teaching, introductory computer course in a networked computer classroom equipped with visual aids

Lenox Institute for Water Technology - Part of Krofta Engineering Organization (International Manufacturer of Water Purification Equipment), Lenox, MA

---Research Director

Presented short and long term Research plans to help set design priorities

Performed a variety of key administrative duties to assist the organization

Consulted with staff on current progress in Research, Educational developments, Laboratory projects, and shop proceedings

Salem Corporation (International Manufacturer), Pittsburgh, PA

---Development Engineer

Conducted and wrote reports on laboratory experiments oriented towards problems with industrial processes and equipment

Substituted as Laboratory Supervisor

Combustion Engineering Inc. (Large International Manufacturer), Windsor, CT

---Process Safety Engineer:

Perfomed a hazard analysis study for a $22 M Coal Gasification plant. Recommended practical solutions to critical hazardous situations

Prepared an impact statement on a nearby nuclear plant

---Internal Fuels Consultant:

Responsible for the development and implementation of projects in Combustion (mainly coal) and Radiation measurements

Assisted in preparing cost estimates and proposals for potential industrial and governmental contracts

U.S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA

---Research Chemical Engineer - Supervisor

Designed, constructed, and operated a unique pilot plant to study propagating coal - dust - natural gas mixture flames. Undertook a project to develop a coal dust probe to determine concentration over a range of particle size distributions.

In the field, responsible for projects in coal mines involving Fires and Spontaneous Combustion

Penn State

---Teaching Assistant and Staff Member

Worked in Unit Operations Laboratory for Seniors.

Graded homework and exams for several undergraduate courses

Gave lectures in classes for Juniors


Abilitech [formerly called Handisoft (School for the disabled)], Philadelphia, PA

---Computer Science Program Coordinator

Teaching, planning, and administrative duties that entailed working closely with disabled students and staff members

Courses have included C, C++, Visual Basic, xBase, and Microsoft Office applications. Technical advisor in Project Development course.

Sun Company (International Oil & Chemical Corporation), Philadelphia, PA

---Computer Programmer

Internship in Health, Safety, and Environment Division - evaluated databases to be used to transfer environmental data from the mainframe to PCs on either a LAN or WAN. Recommended Lotus Approach as adequate to fulfill the task.

Created the entire Approach database application and wrote the accompanying operations manual

Worked closely with Management, Technical Staff, and Users

Villanova University

---Teaching Fortran - as a Senior

Community Experience

As examples of giving back to society, I have performed around two years of community service and have been a volunteer at two hospitals in Philadelphia (receiving a 7000 hour pin from one of them - Shriners - for a time-length of 8 years of service). These are described below:

Faith in Action for Greater Springfield, MA

---Webmaster for site at

Ended with the Passing of Nancy Marshall, Program Director

Center for Human Development, Community Support Day Program, Holyoke, MA

---Van Driver and Activities Coordinator

Assisting clients in going on recreational activities and in dining out

Highly responsible for as many as ten people on activity outings

Elected to the Board of Directors, and presently serving as Board Advisor

Nazareth Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

---Volunteer - Computer-Data Processing Department

Set up new PCs and did troubleshooting on older ones. Installed newer versions of DOS and application programs on PCs

Taught staff members how to operate computers and run applications

Shriners Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

---Volunteer - Occupational Therapy and Clinic Area

Performed a wide variety of tasks (including those that led into the hospital computer networking)

Made recommendations of importance to the organization that were actually carried out


College level Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Computer operations


Tile and linoleum work for relative

Helped run retail tile store

Assembly line worker at a tire plant

At a chemical company - traced electrical lines throughout plant

NSF traineeship - leading into Bachelor's thesis

Heat exchanger manufacturer - rater (sizing exchangers)

Switchboard operator

Cafeteria worker




Overall, I have published seven papers in the literature and gave one oral presentation. These are given below:

"Ultraviolet-Visible and Infrared Emission Spectra of Propagating Methane - Coal-Dust Inhibitor Flames" (with L.E. Dalverny and J. Grumer), U.S. Bureau of Mines, RI 7956 (1974)

"Kinetics of Ignition by Hot Gases" (with M. Vanpee), presented at the 15th International Symposium on Combustion, Tokyo (8/74)

"A Continuous Monitoring System for Mine Gas Concentrations" (with D. Adler), U.S. Bureau of Mines, RI 8060 (1975)

"Agglomeration of Particles Flowing Down a Vertical Duct" Powder Technology, 12 (1975), 287-89

"Continuous Gas Monitoring Using Tube Bundles at the Joanne Mine Fire" (with L.E. Dalverny and J. Weinheimer), U.S. Bureau of Mines, TPR 92 (1975)

"Overall Kinetics of Hot Gas Ignition" (with M. Vanpee), Combustion Science and Technology, 11 (1975), 229-38

"Hazard Analysis for Low-Btu Gasification of Coal for Electric Power Generation" (Published as an ERDA report)

"Combustion Characteristics of Solvent Refined Coal" EPRI Technical Report 1235-2b, 1976

Other Work-Related Activities

Served on developing Site Board for the greater Holyoke/Chicopee area of Western Massachusetts

Completed training workshops and then becoming a Co-facilitator in presenting a workshop for seeking Employment and/or further Education by disabled individuals
